dl2_006_Unable to get online
1. If there are several DARTSLIVE boards, check the others.
1)1) If other boards are also offline;
The problem could be caused by a network failure.
Check the power supply of the connected router and hub and the LAN cable connection.
2) If other boards are online;
Connect a PC that is working normally to the offline board.
-> If it works fine, the problem is caused by the PC.
-> If it does not work, the problem may be in the network.
Check the power supply of the connected router and hub and the LAN cable connection.
See for here more detail.
⇒Similar inquiry : Unable to play online games.
Reference : Page 36 of the Support Manual「ネットワークオフライン」
Reference : Page 44 of the Support Manual「ルーターのエラー」
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